
Miniature Pinscher Seizure like Symptoms Could Mean Tick Disease

I had A BIG SCARE when Not Not was about a year old. One Saturday my friend was  playing around with "Not Not"(my min pin) and then she ran around the corner out of site and my friend heard a thump of some sort. When he looked at Not Not she was walking kind of dizzy like and then fell right over onto her side and lay there. I ran to her and pet and comforted her. after about a minute or so she got up slowly and then was back to her self it seemed like. I thought that maybe she ran into the wall and knocked the wind out of herself.

Then a couple days later in the morning as I was getting ready for work, Not Not was walking around and then jumped onto the bed. I told her to get down so she could go Potty. Well then she starts doing that dizzy drunk walk and falls onto her side and starts urinating. she couldn't move for what seemed like 2 minutes. the front half of her body seemed more responsive to me, but her back legs were limp and she didn't want to move. While she was having the episode she was panting really hard.

I took her to the vet and they were not certain if she was having seizures or not. they gave her some steroids to take in case she does have a concussion. they also tested her blood to see if she had another problem they told me about, but her test came back clear from that.

I felt really bad because i thought she had other episode I wasn't aware of because she had urinated in my bed which is rare and I fussed at her. since i didn't see when she did it I was thinking that maybe she had fell out again but i wasn't around when it happened and only noticed urination after it had happened.

She didn't shake or anything while having the episode, which is what I thought happened during seizures. she just fell right over and laid there breathing really hard and urinated. what a sad site :-(

The vet, neurologist and cardiologist never found anything wrong with her.  The last time I took her to the cardiologist, she said that Not Not's heart and vitals were fine except for a temperature and thought that maybe she had a tick related illness since she also had thick mucus in her eyes and was lethargic.  I looked on this site http://www.mirage-samoyeds.com/tick.htm and Not Not had some of the many symptoms listed along with seizure like symptoms. The tick related illness made since to me since I wasn't a good mommy and didn't have her on any tick prevention (only sprayed her couple times when we went outside).
So I called her vet and told them what the cardiologist said and asked if I could get the meds for that.  They agreed and allowed me to pick up the meds after work without bringing Not Not in to be retested.  The cardiologist only tested for 2 types of diseases (she didn't have those), but said there were many others to consider "rocky mountain" was one of them not tested for.
Basically we were running out of choices since they never found anything wrong with Not Not and when she started on the Meds she was running around causing trouble, less mucus in eyes and no fainting.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. At least now, I have an idea. I have a mini pinscher too. And she loves to fool around. I really don't know if she's just playing dizzy or she really is. Great to have known this disease.
